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1. Open Outlook 2000
2. Left click on the [Tools] menu
3. From the sub-menu that appears left 
     click on the [Rules Wizard...] option

                                                                      4. Left click on the [New...] button. 





5. Make sure the option {Check messages when they arrive}
    is highlighted
and then left click on the [Next >] button






6. Now scroll thru the list of available conditions until you find something that matches the protocols you need for filtering. Following is a list of all the options as they appear:





                                                                                         sent only to me
                                                                                                              where my name is in the Cc box
where my name is in the To or Cc box
from people or distribution list
sent to people or distribution list
with specific words in the recipient's address
with specific words in the sender's address
with specific words in the subject
with specific words in the body
with specific words in the subject or body
with specific words in the message header
flagged for an action
marked as importance
marked as sensitivity

assigned to category
which is an Out of Office message
which has an attachment
with selected properties of documents or forms
with a size in a specific range

uses the form name form 
suspected to be junk e-mail or from
Junk Senders
containing adult content or from Adult Content Senders

7. After adding the check/s next to the appropriate selections 
                              you will need to
left click on the underlined entries in the {Rule description} 
                           field in order to
edit the entries further. In the case of my selection above 
          I will need to left click on the hypertext "specific words" once in
      order to specify exactly which words the filter will search for.

8. Type in entries for your condition according to the directions
     specified in the corresponding prompts. And then left click on
     the [Add] button to put your entries into the {Search list:} field

9. Left click on the [OK] button when you are 
    finished adding your entry.



10. Left click on the [Next >] button when you
       are finished selecting conditions for your 
       new filter.











11.  Left click on the Next button after you have selected the action that you would like the filter to perform
        after it has identified a message using the conditions you set forth in steps 6 thru 10. If you select
        {permanently delete it} as I did above you will receive the following two prompts as soon as you
        apply the check beside the action:
Left click [Yes]
Left click [Yes]

12. This prompt will allow you to apply
       exceptions to the filter you have
       created. In other words if you only
       want the action applied to certain
       messages that meet the condition
       previously established, then you
     may do so here in much the same
       manner as was applied in setting up
       the condition in steps 6 thru 9.

13. Left click on the [Next] button when
       you are satisfied with any exceptions
       you might have decide on here.





14. If you would like to apply this rule upon messages
       already in your inbox, you may do so now by
       placing a check beside that option beneath
       the {...specify a name...} field.

15. Left click on the [Finish] button.





16. Left click on the [OK] button when
       you are finished creating rules.


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